Brrr! Ok So with like 5-6 inches of snow on the ground and a wind chill of ZERO now would not be the time to be doing this...

right?! Actually I had yesterday off and we had a great time going through the seed catalogs. We have a pretty good idea of what we want this year. Unfortunatly we have decided no winter squash :( I love winter squashes and would love to grow acres of them but last year was one disaster after another. First we had powdery mildew, then stink bugs, and then some kind of beetle. We are set on doing this thing as organically as possible. There are just waaay too many things out there that had a vendetta against our squash plants. I don't have as much against summer squash. Ours had lots of the same problems as the winter squash but they grow so much faster that before they were compeltely dead we had gotten a pretty good harvest from them. Space is s huge issue for us. I think we are going to have waaay too many seeds and not enough space but we will see. We are going to plant things a lot closer this year and try and get our spring stuff in sooner and out of the garden sooner. We want to try and start some things in the house again this year. Last year was terrible! We lost so much stuff because we didn't have enough heat on the plants. We are going to direct seed a lot more stuff and only start a third of what we started last year. We made so many mistakes last year hopefully we learned enough to do a lot better this year! Well back to enjoying my nice warm couch and browsing catalogs...